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  • Find your potential client from regional to global
  • Discover up to 7  hotel projects and 7  chain profiles
  • Advanced filters to maximize your search results


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7-day free trial

Sign up for your 7 Day Free Trial

  • Access to the THP database including over 8,500 projects
  • Find your potential clients from regional to global
  • Discover up to 7  hotel projects and 7  chain profiles
  • Advanced filters to maximize your search results


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Hotel reports

Hotel Reports

THP’s Market Insights: Americas

Discover the potential of the Americas hotel market with THP’s quarterly pipeline reports. Win contracts and expand your business with valuable insights.


THP’s Market Insights: DACH

Are you wondering how your business can gain contracts with upcoming hotel projects in the DACH region? Or if DACH is the best region for your hotel supply business to target?
