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  • Find your potential client from regional to global
  • Discover up to 7  hotel projects and 7  chain profiles
  • Advanced filters to maximize your search results


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7-day free trial

Sign up for your 7 Day Free Trial

  • Access to the THP database including over 8,500 projects
  • Find your potential clients from regional to global
  • Discover up to 7  hotel projects and 7  chain profiles
  • Advanced filters to maximize your search results


Registration Form

Must have at least 8 characters


Sign up for your 7 Days Free Trial

Must have at least 8 characters

Boost Package

750,00 1.500,00 

Newsletter Inclusion: Submit a 150-200 word engaging snippet about your product or service with a captivating
image. We’ll include it in our newsletter reaching over 42,000 hotel industry subscribers and linking to your designated
landing page.

LinkedIn Promotion: We’ll share your snippet and image on our LinkedIn page with over 18,000 followers.