7-day free trial

Sign up for your 7 Days Free Trial

  • Access to THP database of + 8,500 projects
  • Find your potential client from regional to global
  • Discover up to 7  hotel projects and 7  chain profiles
  • Advanced filters to maximize your search results


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7-day free trial

Sign up for your 7 Day Free Trial

  • Access to the THP database including over 8,500 projects
  • Find your potential clients from regional to global
  • Discover up to 7  hotel projects and 7  chain profiles
  • Advanced filters to maximize your search results


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Sign up for your 7 Days Free Trial

Must have at least 8 characters

Struggling to reach hotel industry decision-makers?
THP.News has the solution!

Hotel Industry Insights

1.5 Million Impressions

Global Hotel Investments

Our services

If you're a supplier to the hospitality industry, you need to reach the right people-fast.
At THP.News, you can increase your brand's visibility by presenting your content and ads directly to a highly engaged audience of hospitality professionals.

Newsletter Subscribers

 Targeted readers in the global hospitality industry.

LinkedIn Follwers

Expand your content’s reach with added visibility on LinkedIn page.

From 0 to Hero Display Ads

We offer a targeted, niche hotel news platform for display ads.

Newsletter Subscribers

 Targeted readers in the global hospitality industry.

LinkedIn Follwers

Expand your content’s reach with added visibility on LinkedIn page.

From 0 to Hero Display Ads

We offer a targeted, niche hotel news platform for display ads.

Choose your package



From € 750
  • Newsletter

    Newsletter snippet with a link to your website.

  • LinkedIn

    LinkedIn snippet shared with a link to your website. We will also tag your profile and add relevant hashtags. 



From € 1000
  • Hero Ad

    The top spot on our homepage for maximum exposure. Your ad will be placed above our menu. 

  • Sidebar Box Ad

    Consistent visibility on every page in our sidebar. 

  • Native Banner Ad

    Seamlessly integrated into our articles for organic engagement.



From € 1500
  • Boost Package
  • +
  • Target Package
  • Marketing Support

    Our marketing team will provide you with valuable resources on online marketing best practices and strategies. You'll also have the chance to get their expert feedback on your ads and newsletter content.


You have any questions?

Whether you need more details about our packages, ad placements, or how to get started, feel free to reach out. 

Contact us today, and we’ll be happy to assist you in finding the best solution to meet your marketing goals in the global hospitality industry.

Did you know?

THP.News is part of THP, a trusted SaaS database that’s been helping suppliers in the hotel industry for over 15 years. We don’t just deliver news — we provide access to global and regional hotel projects, empowering suppliers to connect with key opportunities.

Claim 7 projects now


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Must have at least 8 characters

Did you know?

THP.News is part of THP, a trusted SaaS database that’s been helping suppliers in the hotel industry for over 15 years. We don’t just deliver news — we provide access to global and regional hotel projects, empowering suppliers to connect with key opportunities.

Claim 7 projects now


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Must have at least 8 characters